Implementing a Timeout in JavaScript Promises
Promises in JavaScript are a powerful tool for handling asynchronous operations, but there are situations where you might want to add a timeout to a promise to ensure that it doesn’t hang indefinitely. In this article, this guide will explore various techniques to add a timeout to a promise in JavaScript, ensuring code remains responsive and reliable.
JavaScript Promise Timeouts: Techniques and Best Practices
In various scenarios, developers often encounter the need to apply a timeout to a JavaScript promise. While setTimeout() may not represent the optimal solution, it can be conveniently encapsulated within a promise.
const awaitTimeout = delay =>
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
awaitTimeout(300).then(() => console.log('Hi'));
// Logs 'Hi' after 300ms
const f = async () => {
await awaitTimeout(300);
console.log('Hi'); // Logs 'Hi' after 300ms
This code sample isn’t particularly complex. It essentially utilizes the Promise constructor to encapsulate setTimeout() and resolves the promise after a specified delay in milliseconds. This can prove invaluable when you need to introduce a pause in your code execution.
However, when you want to apply a timeout to another promise, this utility needs to fulfill two additional requirements.
- Firstly, it should allow the timeout promise to reject instead of resolving when a reason is provided as a second argument;
- Secondly, you’ll need to create a wrapper function to seamlessly add the timeout to the promise.
const awaitTimeout = (delay, reason) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
() => (reason === undefined ? resolve() : reject(reason)),
const wrapPromise = (promise, delay, reason) =>
Promise.race([promise, awaitTimeout(delay, reason)]);
wrapPromise(fetch(''), 3000, {
reason: 'Fetch timeout',
.then(data => {
.catch(data => console.log(`Failed with reason: ${data.reason}`));
// Will either log the `message` if `fetch` completes in under 3000ms
// or log an error message with the reason 'Fetch timeout' otherwise

As demonstrated in this example, the ‘reason’ parameter plays a crucial role in determining whether the timeout promise will resolve or reject. Subsequently, ‘awaitTimeout()’ is employed to generate a fresh promise and is combined with the original promise using ‘Promise.race()’ to implement a timeout mechanism.
However, while this implementation proves effective, it invites opportunities for enhancement across various dimensions. A notable improvement lies in the incorporation of a mechanism to clear timeouts, which involves tracking active timeout IDs. Furthermore, the demand for self-contained functionality strongly advocates for encapsulating this utility within a class structure, thereby further enhancing its modularity and versatility.
class Timeout {
constructor() {
this.ids = [];
set = (delay, reason) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const id = setTimeout(() => {
if (reason === undefined) resolve();
else reject(reason);
}, delay);
wrap = (promise, delay, reason) =>
Promise.race([promise, this.set(delay, reason)]);
clear = (...ids) => {
this.ids = this.ids.filter(id => {
if (ids.includes(id)) {
return false;
return true;
const myFunc = async () => {
const timeout = new Timeout();
const timeout2 = new Timeout();
timeout.set(6000).then(() => console.log('Hello'));
timeout2.set(4000).then(() => console.log('Hi'));
.wrap(fetch(''), 3000, {
reason: 'Fetch timeout',
.then(data => {
.catch(data => console.log(`Failed with reason: ${data.reason}`))
.finally(() => timeout.clear(...timeout.ids));
// Will either log the `message` or log a 'Fetch timeout' error after 3000ms
// The 6000ms timeout will be cleared before firing, so 'Hello' won't be logged
// The 4000ms timeout will not be cleared, so 'Hi' will be logged

This guide highlights the use of JavaScript promise timeouts to bolster application reliability and responsiveness. It starts with a basic setTimeout() encapsulation within a promise and advances to handle timeouts for external operations like API requests. Emphasizing the ‘reason’ parameter for rejecting timeout promises, it introduces a class-based approach for better code organization and timeout clearing. These techniques empower developers to create more dependable and efficient applications, improving user experiences and error handling.
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